Department of Decentralization
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Mass adoption comes in all shapes and sizes: Berlin — ADOPT A HACKER

(and get access to the Hackathon for free in exchange)

Mass adoption comes in all shapes and sizes: Berlin — ADOPT A HACKER

(and get access to the Hackathon for free in exchange)

We’re getting closer to Berlin Blockchain Week and our own events ETHBerlin Conference and Hackathon.

The inbound email is reaching critical levels, however we remain (almost) sane and keep on working.

ETHBerlinZwei, continuing the efforts from last year, is subsidizing 41 hackers trip expenditures.

However, our subsidies are of course, capped and some people just need more support. DoDers are already opening their doors and boarding hackers, and this time we would like to ask you for your collaboration.

If you have a spare couch, mattress, bed, anything goes. Please sign up to help hackers here.

You will be matched with people that adjust to your requirements — we want to ensure both parties will be comfortable.

As a thank-you gift, you will have access to the ETHBerlinZwei hackathon days (23rd to 25th August) at Factory Berlin Goerlitzer Park.

We are looking forward to your messages!